What To Expect
Typically, our services last about an hour.

We are currently worshipping in the Life and Learning Center due to outgrowing our sanctuary. In that hour, we have a blended worship service, which includes our music minister and praise team leading us and the sermon. The Lord's Supper is observed every month with a fifth Sunday. In addition to our service, we believe you will find FBC to be a welcoming, loving, encouraging local body of believers that aims to grow with you in Jesus.

For those with kids, there are children's Sunday School classes during morning Bible study. After that concludes, kids are certainly welcome to join their parents for all of the worship services, but after the singing portion of our service, we offer children's church for children through the 2nd grade.

For parents with bed babies to toddlers, we have a nursery in the Life Center, which is available for all of our services. Your kids will be well taken care of there, though again, your kids are more than welcome to join you in worship. We believe worship is for the whole family, not just the adults, though our children's ministry volunteers will aid your children in their growth, too.

As far as style, we are casual. You will find people dressed in all different styles. We do not place a large emphasis on formal dress because we believe God is more concerned with your heart than he is your dress. If you're considering coming and worshiping with us, please do not let dress be what stops you.